Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Guv'nor of the Governors
The course last night closed the circle that had begun a month ago in the first session, and has introduced us all to the other roles of school governors – our strategic role looking for the long-term success of the school, and our place as a “critical friend” to the school. My role also includes being the person to receive a Christmas Card from his school before any cards from friends. It sat forlornly alone for three days before another one arrived. A lovely, sweet thought, but it makes me look better when placed amidst ones from friends and family. For a couple of days there I looked like a school governor who dined on ready meals for one and sat alone in a dark room between meetings. Which isn't always true.
The whole training process has been very informative, and I have enjoyed the style of our highly knowledgeable and experienced tutor, David Lee. He has certainly shown me many ways of becoming a more effective governor – getting more out of it myself by being able to put much more in, and giving the school much more of a help as well. This is the end of the introduction course, but there are plenty more available, and I will look out for him.
It’s all new to me really, this Governor role. I have only been to one meeting, and I have yet to really get to grips with the school’s agenda. I have certainly yet to get to grips with any of the pupils, although I have been invited in to meet the class that I am shadowing!
When the next meeting comes though, next term, I will be much better places to be more effective. I know a lot more now, and I am ready to use that knowledge for the good of Butterstile Primary School. So thank you Mr Lee and thank you Bury Council Governor Support Unit.
I have been amazed by the Governor Support Unit and the remarkable amount of material that is available to help governors. From a well-stocked library to very helpful staff on call to help us, it really is very impressive. They are bound to be able to get me out of any governor-related muddles I find myself in as I find my feet!