Saturday, December 30, 2006


In Between Times

This is always a strange time of year, between Christmas and New Year. Lots of people are off work, there's people to see and things to do - and I'm never sure quite what day of the week it is because it feels like one long weekend.

Today I was quite surprised to discover that it actually WAS the weekend.

The Christmas break means no leafletting though. In fact, political activities of all kind seem to have stopped, which leaves me at a bit of a loss. I have seen the people that I only see at Christmas - I have a number of friends who live far away who, like Mince Pies and Noddy Holder always serve to remind me of Christmas.

I hope you all had a great time over Christmas. I was in Farnborough at Tam's parents' house. There were presents a-plenty, and lots of food. Still not enough presents to stop me from a retail splurge yesterday though!

At one point over the holiday season I even went ice-skating. I am no Jane Torville, I'll admit, but my progression from clinging to the side for dear life, all the way to shaky gliding in the space of a single ice-borne hour leads me to believe that, given a bit of practice, I could be sliding my way through triple axles and Ravel's Bolero before you can say "Sarajevo 1984."

I have been away for a while, hence the lack of blogging. And I am away again for new year - we are going back down south, to London, for a fancy dress "murder mystery" party. Assuming that I am not the one to be murdered, I shall return to regular postings when things calm down and I am back up north on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. When of course it will be 2007 - a year which sounds distressingly like something out of an Arthur C Clarke novel. We live in the future all of a sudden...

The fancy dress element of the new year party has me torn. We are all given an instruction as to how our character should dress. Mine should wear "a cloth cap, velvet jacket and ill fitting trousers." I have none of these things to hand. I have borrowed a cloth cap from a relative, so that is sorted. As for a velvet jacket, well, I have something that can pass for that (it's corduroy, but froma distance it looks quite shiny). And a pair of Tamsin's "city shorts" will do for the trousers, although they won't go round my waist so I have to improvise with a belt.

An alternative arrangement, which may come into play if I am feeling giddy, involves further raiding of Tam's wardrobe, and the acquisition of an absurdly short pair of denim shorts, and some blue and pink tights.

Several of my Liberal Democrat colleagues at Westminster would be proud.

So Happy New Year to you all. I hope that 2007 is happy, peaceful and prosperous for us all.


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