Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Action Update - Tulle Court

Tonight I attended the meeting of local residents concerned about the redevelopment of Tulle Court in Prestwich, at St Mary's Church.

It was certainly an interesting meeting. I was surprised by how many people were there (I thought there was a service on in the Church when I arrived!). It certainly arouses some passions in local people, who were as interested as me in the detailed plans presented by the architect.

I was glad to hear that the rat-run proposal has gone. I think everyone in Prestwich will be relieved by that. But I was also glad to hear so many people raise legitimate concerns about parking, materials for building, and the way the new homes may intrude on light and privacy. It will be interesting to see what the decision of the Planning Committee is on February 27th.

Should any local resident wish to present their concerns to the committee, this can be done in writing before the meeting. And local Liberal Democrats (like me) are available to assist in submitting local people's views (of all kinds) should anyone wish for help in any way.

On a personal note, as a resident of Clifton Road, I wasn’t best pleased to hear that Church Drive will be used as the access road both for the new houses, and for the demolition/construction workers, since they’ll have to pass my house to get there. I will raise this issue to ensure that it isn’t overlooked, since most of the people there tonight were from the other side of Tulle Court.

What wasn’t in doubt at al tonight though was that people on all sides recognise that not enough consultation was done on this. Hopefully local people will have their say at the Planning Committee.


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