Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Internet Porn and Incompetent Estate Agents
First there was the extremely irritating decision by my work to class the Blogger site as "pornographic" and therefore unsuitable for updating during the working day. Which means I have to do it at home. I can't even view my own blog, which is about as far from internet porn as it's possible to be. I tried logging on at lunchtime, only to discover that the world's most hyper-active firewall had blocked me. And then, having rung the IT help desk (a case for the Trades Descriptions Act people if ever there was one), it transpired that even though it was technically feasible to circumvent the block, the guy on the other end of the line was just too damn unhelpful to do anything. So I am to blog at home from now on.
I went leafletting last night, with my mum along for the exercise too. We went to Prestwich Hills, and also the new estate at the bottom end of Butterstile Lane with Fitzgerald Street and Riverview Close on it. Just a brief spell last night, but it did result in a resident contacting me again about the Hilton Lane / Scholes Lane junction, and possible pedestrian provisions. She showed me a letter from the Council saying that it would cost £1.2m to upgrade the junction. Whilst I don't doubt the figure is true if the whole thing was re-routed, dug up, and then repaved using solid Andean gold, all we're asking for is a red/green man pedestrian light and a "wait" button. I will liaise with Cllr O'Hanlon and see what we can do.
It was also the Prestwich Area Board last night. Cllr Ann Garner can do a better job of explaining what went on than I can, so read her blog to find out more!
And, in a final gesture of defiance from the day, our estate agents managed to catastrophically misinterprate a simple request to reduce the price of the flat we're selling. It was previously on the market for £120,000, and I asked them to reduce it to "a hundred and seventeen thousand." I have checked their website tonight, and found that it is now on the market for £170,000.
Any takers?
Thought not...
When I was at BT I could circumvent it, but by having a unix shell account outside the network which I could log into and direct traffic via that.
My problem is still unresolved, despite two calls to the "help" desk today.
At least my estate agent has now corrected his error though.
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