Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Sharing time with Caring folk

I went back to work today, and my first task was to attend a meeting with some Social Care providers regarding a Service Level Agreement they want my help in writing. It was in a far-flung Council care facility which, sitting as I do in my ivory tower, I didn't even know existed until today. The reach of Council tentacles far and wide never ceases to amaze me. It's a wonder to behold the services we provide.

It was a sobering experience though to realise that the care staff I was meeting hadn’t had a Christmas break at all, and have to be available to work 365 days a year for low pay, looking after the most vulnerable members of society.

It’s good for me that I can help them, although sometimes I think that what I do is so far from the cutting edge of service delivery that it barely makes a difference.

Not this time though – with any luck the Service Level Agreement will clarify expectations and roles on both sides, and improve the service that’s delivered to the people who need it.


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