Monday, February 12, 2007


Tulle Court, The Retreat, and Feeling Like Death

I am ill this evening. I left work at 3pm, with a head that felt as if the British Percussion Orchestra were attempting a world record for "World's Most Bang And Bash Filled Performance" inside it. I made the warmth of my bed by 15.45 amidst much groaning and moaning. The general consensus amongst colleagues and friends is that I have a case of "Man Flu," but I may pass away during the night, so prepare for this to be my last posting...

I did speak to a couple of residents this evening though, after they'd rung me during the day. One local lady was very angry that the Retreat is subject to possible legal action, and will probably have to remain (with a granite wall replacing the glass one) rather than be demolished and replaced with a green space and seats as local people want. A neighbour of mine also rang with concerns about Tulle Court. The rat-run fears have been dispelled, but there are still major concerns over flats overlooking people's gardens, and problems with parking and construction vehicles. I told the neighbour what I have told everyone - the application for planning goes to the Planning Committee for their consideration on Feb 27th, and concerns submitted in writing before the 25th Feb will be put forward for consideration. I can help if people want - just get in touch.

I missed the Lib Dem Exec meeting tonight due to my generally unpleasant head area. Apparently Cllr Ann Garner is also unwell - perhaps it is a Lib Dem bug going round...

Hopefully I will be back feeling better tomorrow.

Either that or I am amputating my head.


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