Sunday, March 18, 2007


We can cut crime

You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I travelled to the Lib Dems’ spring conference in Harrogate. One of the big themes there was the party’s approach to cutting crime.

Whilst there I met Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary Nick Clegg MP to discuss with him the findings of a survey of residents about crime that we’ve distributed to local people across St Mary’s. And now we have the photos!

We’ve had surveys back from hundreds of Prestwich residents, and it was great to meet Nick Clegg MP and discuss with him the concerns and experiences of residents of the local area. He was genuinely interested and has a real understanding of the issues.

Labour’s posturing and tough talk on crime has done nothing to cut crime. Unfortunately, the people of Prestwich are living with the consequences of having a Labour government more interested in catching headlines than criminals. We have rising anti-social behaviour, nuisance crime and occasionally even serious violence like the attack in St Mary’s Park at new year.

By contrast, Liberal Democrats back a strong set of proposals called Together We Can Cut Crime. It outlines our Five Steps To A Safer Britain: put more police on the streets rather than waste money on ID cards; restore honesty to sentencing; make education and training in prisons compulsory; make prisoners who work pay into a victims compensation fund and give communities more powers to close problem pubs and clubs. This plan is an example of real policies which work in practice, not just tough talk. And it's just the type of policy we'll be fighting for if you put your faith in us at the local elections on May 3rd.

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