Thursday, June 07, 2007
Obviously none of us are experts in all of the things reported on, but at the heart of all the work that the Council does is a commitment to service improvement and excellence - and I think all the Members and the officers share that. The whole meeting was held in a spirit of constructive criticism and a shared desire to improve - which perhaps wasn't what I was expecting from aroom full of politicians from across the party spectrum, and potentuially nervous officers!
I learned a lot, and felt that I contributed my fair shaare as well. And that's my first meeting over with!
As ever there was time enough for me to embarrass myself as well. At one point I was called upon to ask a question, and in the act of putting down my hand I snapped my fingers into a fist shape, causing a noise that sounded like I was clicking my fingers towards the Chair. The room fell to silence and the Chair enquired (jokily) as to whether or not I was indeed snapping my fingers in his direction! As I put the sound down to my "noisy bones" and said that I probably wouldn't be invited back in future, thankfully there was laughter and not tutting and finger pointing!
I may leave that until; the next full Council...