Tuesday, July 31, 2007


New LAP sub-groups promise much

The Council's summer recess officially starts tomorrow, and there is a noticeable decline in the number of scheduled meetings ove rthe next month. Lib Dem Councillors work for you all year round though, and we have taken it upon ourselves to oorganise our own meetings over the next few days! Oh joy.

At the last (which was, confusingly, the first) meeting of the Prestwich Local Area Partnership, it was agreed to set up two sub-groups to focus on particular areas of interest. One will look at the Town Centre, and the other at community cohesion and development. I am on the second one, along with fellow Lib Dem Cllrs Ann Garner and Wilf Davison. And we are meeting up this week to thrash out what will be our priorities for the group this year. There are obviously areas of concern - Polefield, Rainsough etc - but we need to think of positive, practical ways to make a difference for the people who live there, and the wider community.

We'll be setting up these groups to begin meeting after the recess, and they will contain partners like Six Town Housing and the PCT, with any luck. I'll welcome anybody's input on what we should prioritise for the communities of Prestwich. And of course we'll be feeding back to the Local Area Partnership and via this blog when it all gets moving in the near future.


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